Max length of meta_value

Both usermeta.meta_value and postmeta.meta_value are stored as LONGTEXT. Here’s how the MySQL docs describe the size of a LONGTEXT data type: “A TEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB (232 – 1) characters. The effective maximum length is less if the value contains multi-byte characters. The effective maximum length of LONGTEXT columns … Read more

Query to sort a list by meta key first (if it exists), and show remaining posts without meta key ordered by title

Thank you everyone for your help! In the end the query below got me the results I desired – which was to show and sort the posts by a custom field of “publication_date” first – sorting by the date, and if there were multiple of the same date (say, 4 marked June 2013), it would … Read more