Why am I getting ‘Assembly ‘*.dll’ must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prerequisite.’?

My guess is that you’re not working with strongly named assemblies. I’ve had this error when two projects reference slightly different versions of the same assembly and a more dependent project references these projects. The resolution in my case was to remove the key and version information from the assembly name in the .csproj files … Read more

How to easily initialize a list of Tuples?

c# 7.0 lets you do this: If you don’t need a List, but just an array, you can do: And if you don’t like “Item1” and “Item2”, you can do: or for an array: which lets you do: tupleList[0].Index and tupleList[0].Name Framework 4.6.2 and below You must install System.ValueTuple from the Nuget Package Manager. Framework 4.7 and above It is built … Read more

What is the best way to implement a “timer”?

Use the Timer class. The Elapsed event will be raised every X amount of milliseconds, specified by the Interval property on the Timer object. It will call the Event Handler method you specify. In the example above, it is OnTimedEvent.