How can I write php code in notepad++?

Firstly, open Notepad++. Then open a new document if a new one is not on the screen already. Then go to the languages menu option, go down to P, and select PHP. Then type in your PHP code. When you want to save it, press the save button near the top right hand corner, and … Read more

Does Notepad++ show all hidden characters?

Yes, it does. The way to enable this depends on your version of Notepad++. On newer versions you can use: Menu View → Show Symbol → *Show All Characters` or Menu View → Show Symbol → Show White Space and TAB (Thanks to bers’ comment and bkaid’s answers below for these updated locations.) On older versions you can look for: Menu View → Show all characters or … Read more

is there an autosave function/plugin for notepad++?

You can find a Notepad++ plugin called AutoSave for autosaving your files here: (Used to link to but that’s no longer online, cached version is still available here) It autosaves every minute, but it’s configurable, and allows you to choose to save only the current document or all open documents.

vim and notepad++

Vim has modal editing (answering the vice versa part). And it runs in a terminal. You are likely correct; if “vim” isn’t a real text editor, I’m not sure what is. I guess ed, the standard Unix text editor, would be the only real one.

Removing “NUL” characters

This might help, I used to fi my files like this: Basically you need to replace \x00 characters with regular expressions

Notepad++ wildcard

In the Find and Replace dialog: under Search Mode select Regular Expression set Find What to /.*$ leave Replace With empty This is replace any slash and all the text after it until the end of line with nothing. It uses a regular expression so it looks convoluted but it is well worth learning as regular … Read more

Regex: Remove lines containing “help”, etc

This is also possible with Notepad++: Go to the search menu, Ctrl + F, and open the Mark tab. Check Bookmark line (if there is no Mark tab update to the current version). Enter your search term and click Mark All All lines containing the search term are bookmarked. Now go to the menu Search → Bookmark → Remove Bookmarked lines Done.

Notepad++ add to every line

Follow these steps: Press Ctrl+H to bring up the Find/Replace Dialog. Choose the Regular expression option near the bottom of the dialog. To add a word, such as test, at the beginning of each line: Type ^ in the Find what textbox Type test in the Replace with textbox Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected Click Replace All button To add a word, … Read more