Mean Squared Error in Numpy?

You can use: Or with ax=0 the average is performed along the row, for each column, returning an array with ax=1 the average is performed along the column, for each row, returning an array with ax=None the average is performed element-wise along the array, returning a scalar value

threshold in 2D numpy array

One solution: The first part array < 25 gives you an array of the same shape that is 1 (True) where values are less than 25 and 0 (False) otherwise. Element-wise multiplication with the original array retains the values that are smaller than 25 and sets the rest to 0. This does not change the … Read more

Replacing Pandas or Numpy Nan with a None to use with MysqlDB

@bogatron has it right, you can use where, it’s worth noting that you can do this natively in pandas: Note: this changes the dtype of all columns to object. Example: Note: what you cannot do recast the DataFrames dtype to allow all datatypes types, using astype, and then the DataFrame fillna method: Unfortunately neither this, nor using replace, works with None see this (closed) issue. As an aside, … Read more

mean, nanmean and warning: Mean of empty slice

I really can’t see any good reason not to just suppress the warning. The safest way would be to use the warnings.catch_warnings context manager to suppress the warning only where you anticipate it occurring – that way you won’t miss any additional RuntimeWarnings that might be unexpectedly raised in some other part of your code: … Read more

ImportError: cannot import name NUMPY_MKL

If you look at the line which is causing the error, you’ll see this: This line comment states the dependency as numpy+mkl (numpy with Intel Math Kernel Library). This means that you’ve installed the numpy by pip, but the scipy was installed by precompiled archive, which expects numpy+mkl. This problem can be easy solved by installation for numpy+mkl from whl file from here.

How do I compute derivative using Numpy?

You have four options Finite Differences Automatic Derivatives Symbolic Differentiation Compute derivatives by hand. Finite differences require no external tools but are prone to numerical error and, if you’re in a multivariate situation, can take a while. Symbolic differentiation is ideal if your problem is simple enough. Symbolic methods are getting quite robust these days. SymPy is … Read more