Difference between nil, NIL and, null in Objective-C

nil is the literal null value for Objective-C objects, corresponding to the abstract type id or any Objective-C type declared via @interface. For instance: Nil is the literal null value for Objective-C classes, corresponding to the type Class. Since most code doesn’t need variables to reference classes, its use is not common. One example is: … Read more

Whats the difference between UInt8 and uint8_t

In C99 the available basic integer types (the ones without _t) were deemed insufficient, because their actual sizes may vary across different systems. So, the C99 standard includes definitions of several new integer types to enhance the portability of programs. The new types are especially useful in embedded environments. All of the new types are … Read more

What is the meaning of id?

id is a pointer to any type, but unlike void * it always points to an Objective-C object. For example, you can add anything of type id to an NSArray, but those objects must respond to retain and release. The compiler is totally happy for you to implicitly cast any object to id, and for you to cast id to any object. This is unlike any … Read more

Got a EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY symbol crash, how to track it?

EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY is irrelevant. The important information is in the Exception Type (EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)) and the backtrace. A crash in -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] usually occurs when you are attempting to insert a nil object into an NSMutableArray. I’m not sure what LotumMobStatLogManager is, as you haven’t provided the relevant source code. If that is an external dependency, I would reach out to the developers with … Read more

Duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 under Xcode

75 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 Means that you have loaded same functions twice. As the issue disappear after removing -ObjC from Other Linker Flags, this means that this option result that functions loads twice: from Technical Q&A This flag causes the linker to load every object file in the library that defines an Objective-C … Read more

malloc: *** error: incorrect checksum for freed object – object was probably modified after being freed

I have a big problem with my iOS App: it crashes sometimes without detailed debug error. The stack trace is empty. These are the only two lines in the stack trace: crash start in UIApplicationMain at “symbol stub for: -[_UIHostedTextServiceSession dismissTextServiceAnimated:]”. and report “libsystem_c.dylib`malloc_error_break”. in com.apple.main-thread. The error on Xcode debugger (with connected device): I … Read more