Why is Netbeans suggesting I “Flip operands of the binary operators” in my Java code

Netbeans frequently suggests that I “flip operands of the binary operator” when I’m doing mathematical calculations. For example, in the following line of code: Netbeans makes the suggestion for every mathematical symbol (so it does it three times in the ‘pennies’ line. I’m not sure I understand why it’s making the suggestion. If I were … Read more

Bad operand type for unary +: ‘str’

You say that if int(splitLine[0]) > int(lastUnix): is causing the trouble, but you don’t actually show anything which suggests that. I think this line is the problem instead: Do you see why this line could cause that error message? You want either or not You’re asking Python to apply the + symbol to a string like +23 makes a positive 23, … Read more

PHP &$string – What does this mean?

You are assigning that array value by reference. passing argument through reference (&$) and by $ is that when you pass argument through reference you work on original variable, means if you change it inside your function it’s going to be changed outside of it as well, if you pass argument as a copy, function … Read more