“Python version 2.7 required, which was not found in the registry” error when attempting to install netCDF4 on Windows 8
Just download Python 2.7.6 Windows Installer from the official Python download page, and launch the install package.
Just download Python 2.7.6 Windows Installer from the official Python download page, and launch the install package.
It does not work because your foobar.go source file is not in a directory called foobar. go build and go install try to match directories, not source files. Set $GOPATH to a valid directory, e.g. export GOPATH=”$HOME/go” Move foobar.go to $GOPATH/src/foobar/foobar.go and building should work just fine. Additional recommended steps: Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH by: PATH=”$GOPATH/bin:$PATH” Move main.go to a subfolder of $GOPATH/src, e.g. $GOPATH/src/test go install test should now create an executable in $GOPATH/bin that can be called by … Read more
Composer 1.x and 2.x Running the following command will remove the package from vendor (or wherever you install packages), composer.json and composer.lock. Change vendor/package appropriately. Obviously you’ll need to remove references to that package within your app. I’m currently running the following version of Composer: Documentation Updates 26/10/2020 – Updated answer to assert command works … Read more
In addition to the good advice already given, I would add this: It is probably best to avoid using require() unless you actually will be using the value it returns e.g in some error checking loop such as given by thierry. In most other cases it is better to use library(), because this will give an error message at … Read more
You might want to look into a Python package manager like pip. If you don’t want to use a Python package manager, you should be able to download M2Crypto and build/compile/install over the old installation.
Create a (local) repository and use yum to have it resolve the dependencies for you. The CentOS wiki has a nice page providing a how-to on this. CentOS wiki HowTos/CreateLocalRepos. Summarized and further minimized (not ideal, but quickest): Create a directory for you local repository, e.g. /home/user/repo. Move the RPMs into that directory. Fix some … Read more
Try this (see ?detach for more details): It is possible to have multiple versions of a package loaded at once (for example, if you have a development version and a stable version in different libraries). To guarantee that all copies are detached, use this function. Usage is, for example or
You can use sessionInfo() to accomplish that. However, as per comments and the answer below, there are better options [1] ‘0.3.9’ Or:
A module is a single file (or files) that are imported under one import and used. e.g. A package is a collection of modules in directories that give a package hierarchy. Documentation for modules Introduction to packages