how to get tax percentage in wp-ecommerce
$wpsc_cart->tax_percentage contains the tax percentage for me using the latest version 3.8.6. make sure you have enabled tax and added a tax rate under settings > store > taxes.
$wpsc_cart->tax_percentage contains the tax percentage for me using the latest version 3.8.6. make sure you have enabled tax and added a tax rate under settings > store > taxes.
Managed to figure it out. The pdf output code has this to get the normal field values: $form_sql = “SELECT * FROM `”.$wpdb->prefix.”wpsc_submited_form_data` LEFT JOIN `”.$wpdb->prefix.”wpsc_checkout_forms` ON “.$wpdb->prefix.”wpsc_submited_form_data.form_id = “.$wpdb->prefix.” WHERE `log_id` = ‘”.(int)$purchase_id.”‘ AND `active` = ‘1’”; $input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql,ARRAY_A); The there is a switch statement based ont he unique_name but as this is … Read more
The various currencies and their associated countries are stored in the database, {$prefix}wpsc_currency_list.
Some inspiration: An old colleague of mine did a similar solution. He created a product, in your case called “Installation service”, put it as a draft and added it with ajax when customer added it in the shopping cart, and then updated the total price. In that way the product was added to the order … Read more
Go into wp-ecommerce/wpsc-includes/shopping_cart_functions.php and adjusting this line if ( isset( $cart ) ) { echo wpsc_shopping_basket_internals( $cart, false, true ); } to this //if ( isset( $cart ) ) { echo wpsc_shopping_basket_internals( $cart, false, true ); //}
Tried here? settings->store->presentation :Display per item shipping
If you look at the default wpsc-products_page.php template, it uses while (wpsc_have_products()) : wpsc_the_product(); instead of have_posts() and the_posts() to setup the loop. The wpsc_the_product() function sets up a global $wpsc_variations object that the product variation functions use. I think in order to use wpsc_the_product() you need your query to be the global $wp_query, but … Read more
In the wp-e-commerce admin, Settings -> Store -> Admin, you can customise the Customer Purchase Receipt (confirmation email) template to add this, e.g. Please quote %purchase_id% as reference when paying by EFT. There are a couple of hooks in wp-e-commerce that let you insert other data into the confirmation emails: wpsc_transaction_result_cart_item — this is called … Read more
It doesn’t appear possible to loop over the values multiple times without directly manipulating the current_custom_meta class var so that wpsc_have_custom_meta() will return true again. Give this a try before the second while loop: global $wpsc_custom_meta; $wpsc_custom_meta->rewind_custom_meta(); $wpsc_custom_meta->current_custom_meta = -1;
I fixed this in the end. There is a button in the wpsc settings page under presentation to flush the theme cache. Caption: If you have moved your files in some other way i.e FTP, you may need to click the Flush Theme Cache. This will refresh the locations WordPress looks for your templates. Simple, … Read more