PHP $_REQUEST array empty

Missing GET request variables are sometimes a symptom of improper rewrite rules in the web-server’s configuration files. In the case of Apache, rewrites are most often implemented using the mod_rewrite module’s directives in the WordPress installation’s directory-level .htaccess configuration file – however, a faulty rewrite rule could also be present in higher-level configuration files (directory, … Read more

How would I get WordPress to parse /mypage/area/value as /mypage/?area=value?

add_rewrite_rule is very handy for this use, first add your custom rule for this: add_action(‘init’, function(){ return add_rewrite_rule( ‘([^/]+)/area/([^/]+)/?$’, ‘index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&area=$matches[2]’, ‘top’ ); }); and you already registered the custom query variable, next is (because you’re in development) go to admin > settings > permalinks and save settings to flush the rewrite rules. Now to get … Read more

How to load this code on function.php

Without any further detail (error messages, etc), we’re just guessing here. I first thought of the print_my_inline_script() function as being doubly defined, but then it looked to me like you have a <script> within a <script>. Remove the outside <script> </script> commands and see what that does.

Filter results from a serialized string to use on statistics

So basically the form saves a large serialized array in the database. Now since you have multiple forms, you need to iterate over the result from get_results, unserialize the column and then access the city key. global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix.’db7_forms’; $results = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT form_value FROM $table_name WHERE form_post_id = 6062”, OBJECT ); // … Read more

How to Include Fields in Query String When Making Request of Plugin API?

HT to otto42 on the WordPress Slack who pointed out that false might be evaluating as true and to instead try using 0…which I did and it worked:[per_page]=10&request[browse]=popular&request[fields]How to Include Fields in Query String When Making Request of Plugin API?=0&request[page]=1

Querystring value being stripped from site_url()

Could you try using admin_url instead of site_url you can call it the same way, but as you are trying to fetch some admin page I think that might be a better idea. $search_url = admin_url( ‘/admin.php?page=my-plugin&action=search&searchstringSO=’ . $_REQUEST[“sigsearch”] ); Note that I removed the wp-admin prefix from the path.

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