how do I display Quick Edit box on a custom plugin page with a list of posts?
how do I display Quick Edit box on a custom plugin page with a list of posts?
how do I display Quick Edit box on a custom plugin page with a list of posts?
After exploring several options, I landed on this as the cleanest server side alternative: add_filter(‘admin_head-edit.php’,function(){ $screen = get_current_screen(); if( post_type_supports($screen->post_type,’author’ )){ // remove from bulk/quick edit remove_post_type_support($screen->post_type,’author’); add_filter( ‘manage_posts_columns’, function($columns){ $columns[‘author’] = __(‘Author’); return $columns; }); } });
Quick Edit on taxonomy names results in error
Here’s the function responsible for rendering the comments quick edit form: wp_comment_reply. Looking at its code, it seems you can short-circuit it using the wp_comment_reply filter. That only lets you start from scratch though (e.g. you can’t add to the existing form). The only way around this that I can think of is some (unholy) … Read more
Add ACF Quick Edit Columns on Comments
How can I change the location where the custom field is displayed in the Quick Edit tab in WordPress
If the document (Excel spreadsheet?) is inserted into a post/page, then that file is a ‘Media’ item, and the content is as it existed when you upload/inserted it. If you want a dynamic document, then you could use something like DropBox or Google Drive to contain the file, giving permissions to anyone that has the … Read more
Here is my meccano made of pieces found somewhere around. This code is from one of my unfinished and abandoned projects, but it worked (to my personal memory). Note that I’ve prefixed the meta name with the underscore (_tie_post_views) to avoid its appearance in Custom Fields metabox on Post Edit page. You’ll be forced to … Read more
Well.. that had me stumped for a while! I had replaced WP’s jquery v1.6.1 with a Google-CDN jquery v1.4.2 in my functions.php. wp_deregister_script(‘jquery’); wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’, (“”), false, ”); Learnt a few things along the way.. thanks, Tim
I’m not sure if there’s a WordPress-specific way to do this, but you can do a quick find-and-replace for the offending terms. I don’t know if it follows a pattern, but if you have access to the site through SSH you could do a MySQL dump and find/replace/reimport easily. Try this: mysqldump -uDBUSER -p DBNAME … Read more