“SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0"

The wording of the error message corresponds to what you get from Google Chrome when you run JSON.parse(‘<…’). I know you said the server is setting Content-Type:application/json, but I am led to believe the response body is actually HTML. Feed.js:94 undefined “parsererror” “SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0” with the line console.error(this.props.url, … Read more

What is localhost 3000?

To make you understand this you should understand that you need a web server to host the application to run on the web. Then it will be available for most of the people. But that application needs to be developed somewhere. In this case you need a local server. There are several local server instances … Read more

What is localhost 3000?

To make you understand this you should understand that you need a web server to host the application to run on the web. Then it will be available for most of the people. But that application needs to be developed somewhere. In this case you need a local server. There are several local server instances … Read more

How does npm start work? What all processes are happening in the background?

An npm script is just a shortcut to run a series of node commands on your project. Any npm script, meaning any node.js commands listed under a package.json file’s “scripts” section, are executed through node.js when you call them. So npm start runs the node script that is listed under start in the package.json. As in the article that … Read more