Maintain user profile data in a non-WordPress database

You can use the WPDB class to instantiate an external DB. Looks like roughly this: define(‘EXT_DB_USER’, ‘username’); define(‘EXT_DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’); define(‘EXT_DB_NAME’, ‘ext_data’ ); define(‘EXT_DB_HOST’, ‘′); $wpdb_ext = new wpdb(EXT_DB_USER, EXT_DB_PASSWORD, EXT_DB_NAME, EXT_DB_HOST); then you just call $wpdb_ext with normal WP functions just like you would #wpdb. For log in info it’s usually easiest to sync login … Read more

WordPress with php5-fpm and nginx

Ah, my problem ended up stemming from an issue with php5-fpm. Essentially, there were php5-fpm services running that were “old” and thus when I tried to access mysql from the web, it wasn’t detected. But when I tried to access it via cli, it was detected. That narrowed it down to php5-fpm for me, and … Read more

Posting via HTTP requests?

the XML-RPC protocol can do that for you, look up how to use it with curl: and what the actual tags are: