Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined typescript

Here your TypeScript has compiled happily, to code that will work in a requireJS environment (technically, an AMD environment). That means it generates output that assumes that define/require etc all already exist. The overall answer is that you need to include RequireJS before you depend on your compiled code. Notably the error suggests you’ve made … Read more

Mismatched anonymous define() module

Like AlienWebguy said, per the docs, require.js can blow up if You have an anonymous define (“modules that call define() with no string ID“) in its own script tag (I assume actually they mean anywhere in global scope) You have modules that have conflicting names You use loader plugins or anonymous modules but don’t use require.js’s optimizer … Read more

Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?

RequireJS implements the AMD API (source). CommonJS is a way of defining modules with the help of an exports object, that defines the module contents. Simply put, a CommonJS implementation might work like this: Basically, CommonJS specifies that you need to have a require() function to fetch dependencies, an exports variable to export module contents and a module identifier (which describes the location of the module … Read more

What are the difference between $(document).bind(‘ready’, function) and $(document).ready(function() {})

The difference is, as the docs say There is also $(document).on( “ready”, handler ), deprecated as of jQuery 1.8. This behaves similarly to the ready method but if the ready event has already fired and you try to .on( “ready” ) the bound handler will not be executed. Ready handlers bound this way are executed after any bound by the … Read more