How to Uninstall RVM? [duplicate]
It’s easy; just do the following: or And don’t forget to remove the script calls in the following files: ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile And maybe others depending on whatever shell you’re using.
It’s easy; just do the following: or And don’t forget to remove the script calls in the following files: ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile And maybe others depending on whatever shell you’re using.
Here are the docs to install nokogiri, there is a note for rvm: Note for RVM users: you may require libgmp, consider running sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev. Remove ruby with rvm Install Ruby Rails For a existing project
Your console is not running as a login shell and hence have no access to rvm function. If you are running Ubuntu, you can: Open console Select Edit -> Profile Preferences Select tab: Title and Command Check box ‘Run command as a login shell’ Restart terminal
From the RVM support site: RVM installs everything into ~/.rvm. To remove RVM from your system run ‘rm -rf ~/.rvm’. You may have one additional config file in ~/.rvmrc and of course the RVM hook in your bash/zsh startup files. So, just go to the command line and type rm -rf ~/.rvm All the installed gems are in … Read more
There is a nice tutorial for setting up RubyMine tests in their online help, which helped me resolve the same problem as you describe (for Test::Unit-style tests). Basically you need to include the minitest and minitest-reporters gems into your project and add a call to use the new format of tests reporting: Take a look at the tutorial for more options.