Unprotected page appears protected when posted to Facebook (S2Member)
remove the trailing slash and it works fine. http://www.boulderwritersworkshop.org/2012/10/21/david-jessup
remove the trailing slash and it works fine. http://www.boulderwritersworkshop.org/2012/10/21/david-jessup
Congrats on figuring it out. Perhaps this would also work: function change_menu($items){ foreach($items as $item){ if ($item-> post_name == ‘the-slug’)/*replace “the-slug” with menu item post_name */ $item->url = bp_loggedin_user_domain() . ‘/events/my-events/?action=edit’; } return $items; } add_filter(‘wp_nav_menu_objects’, ‘change_menu’);
@Cristián Lávaque Thank you for the hints 😉 Actually I managed to resolve the issue blocking this function (show the hidden comment above). In case this would help anyone here is the final working code: function check_post_limit() { if ( current_user_can( ‘edit_posts’ ) ) { global $userdata; global $wpdb; $s2member_last_payment_time = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), ‘wp_s2member_last_payment_time’, true … Read more
Even if you’re skilled in “complex PHP websites” it’s safer to go with something that’s already built. If you code it yourself you’re very likely to overlook security issues and you’d have to constantly be updating it. It’s worth investing a bit of money in plugins up front (if necessary; you may well do fine … Read more
This code is your problem: $s2_custom=get_user_meta($u->ID, ‘wp_s2member_custom_fields’); $real = $s2_custom[0]; $real[‘loomsong_del’]=’email’; update_user_meta($u->ID, ‘wp_s2member_custom_fields’,$real); get_user_meta returns an array of the meta values. Since in this case there’s only a single value with the array, you need to pass the single parameter to it. Try this: $s2_custom=get_user_meta($u->ID, ‘wp_s2member_custom_fields’, true); $s2_custom[‘loomsong_del’]=’email’; update_user_meta($u->ID, ‘wp_s2member_custom_fields’,$s2_custom); This won’t fix your already … Read more
Viewing passwords is not possible, because they are not stored anywhere. WordPress stores just the hash of the password, not the password itself. When a user sends her password to authenticate herself, WordPress creates a hash of the sent password and compares that to the stored hash. You should not try to store the passwords … Read more
Source: Chris Lima – Managing a High Performance WordPress Membership Site I should look at caching plugins because it makes things faster, better and worked for you. The problem with that answer is that most caching plugins don’t do much for logged in users. Most sites have is that non-logged in users should get pre-cached … Read more
I used a plugin called “edit author slug” Changed the /author/ to /members/.
I have 2 plugins using the same wp_login action hook and one is not working
It seems like you are insisting on making your life difficult. Implementing any type of API is error prone to the best of developers and real time sync can fail due to network errors, bugs etc, and I would be very hesitant before selecting such an option. Using a network is probably the best option … Read more