Does Python have an ordered set?

There is an ordered set (possible new link) recipe for this which is referred to from the Python 2 Documentation. This runs on Py2.6 or later and 3.0 or later without any modifications. The interface is almost exactly the same as a normal set, except that initialisation should be done with a list. This is a MutableSet, so the … Read more

Convert Set to List without creating new List

You can use the List.addAll() method. It accepts a Collection as an argument, and your set is a Collection. EDIT: as respond to the edit of the question.It is easy to see that if you want to have a Map with Lists as values, in order to have k different values, you need to create k different lists.Thus: You cannot avoid … Read more

Does Python have an ordered set?

There is an ordered set (possible new link) recipe for this which is referred to from the Python 2 Documentation. This runs on Py2.6 or later and 3.0 or later without any modifications. The interface is almost exactly the same as a normal set, except that initialisation should be done with a list. This is a MutableSet, so the … Read more

how to use cookie-free domains (yslow)

I was trying to solve the problem with cookie-free, the yslow has suggested to create a subdomain. I did, but the yslow still “show” the problem. i didn’t set the cookie´s domain in the page, cause i don’t know how to do it. anyone know a tutorial or a solution to this problem?

Append values to a set in Python

e.g, keep.update(xrange(11)) for your specific example. Or, if you have to produce the values in a loop for some other reason, But, of course, doing it in bulk with a single .update call is faster and handier, when otherwise feasible.

what does O(N) mean [duplicate]

The comment was referring to the Big-O Notation. Briefly: O(1) means in constant time – independent of the number of items. O(N) means in proportion to the number of items. O(log N) means a time proportional to log(N) Basically any ‘O’ notation means an operation will take time up to a maximum of k*f(N)where: k is a … Read more