Customizing WP-syntax to get custom colors

Plugin documentation instructs to copy style file to theme’s directory, rather than edit it in place (which would make it incompatbile with updates and such). Other than that this seems like CSS issue and has little to do with WordPress. Some time with Firebug+Firefox or other debug tool usually solves such.

syntax Highlighting on blog

you can use the [sourcecode] shortcode on which is built in for you, no need to install or configure anything. For example to get this results : just wrap your code in these tags: [sourcecode language=”css”] your code here [/sourcecode] you can see a list of supported languages and a few other parameters you … Read more

Tools for styling code snippet in a web page

Wrap the code in the <code> or <pre> tags, depending on whether it’s an inline snippet or a block of code. Also, search the web for “wordpress syntax highlighter,” which will tell you about several wordpress plugins that can color and style code elements for various programming languages. Finally, the WordPress StackExchange site will probably … Read more

Page/post editor with syntax highlighting [closed]

I was looking forever for the solution. I finally found this plugin which actually does a lot of things. But i only used the option to add a HTML button to the row of buttons which lets you edit post/page html with CodeMirror ( highlighting. Link to plugin: