Usage of sys.stdout.flush() method

Python’s standard out is buffered (meaning that it collects some of the data “written” to standard out before it writes it to the terminal). Calling sys.stdout.flush() forces it to “flush” the buffer, meaning that it will write everything in the buffer to the terminal, even if normally it would wait before doing so. Here’s some … Read more

What does sys.stdin read?

So you have used Python’s “pre built in functions”, presumably like this: This reads the file by invoking an iterator on the file object which happens to return the next line from the file. You could instead use: which reads the lines from the current file position into a list. Now, sys.stdin is just another file object, which happens … Read more

In Python, what is `sys.maxsize`?

Python can handle arbitrarily large integers in computation. Any integer too big to fit in 64 bits (or whatever the underlying hardware limit is) is handled in software. For that reason, Python 3 doesn’t have a sys.maxint constant. The value sys.maxsize, on the other hand, reports the platform’s pointer size, and that limits the size of Python’s data … Read more