What is uintptr_t data type

uintptr_t is an unsigned integer type that is capable of storing a data pointer. Which typically means that it’s the same size as a pointer. It is optionally defined in C++11 and later standards. A common reason to want an integer type that can hold an architecture’s pointer type is to perform integer-specific operations on a … Read more

“X does not name a type” error in C++

When the compiler compiles the class User and gets to the MyMessageBox line, MyMessageBox has not yet been defined. The compiler has no idea MyMessageBox exists, so cannot understand the meaning of your class member. You need to make sure MyMessageBox is defined before you use it as a member. This is solved by reversing the definition order. However, you have a cyclic dependency: if you move MyMessageBox above User, … Read more

TypeError: ‘float’ object is not callable

There is an operator missing, likely a *: The “is not callable” occurs because the parenthesis — and lack of operator which would have switched the parenthesis into precedence operators — make Python try to call the result of -3.7 (a float) as a function, which is not allowed. The parenthesis are also not needed in this case, the following may … Read more

What’s the canonical way to check for type in Python?

To check if o is an instance of str or any subclass of str, use isinstance (this would be the “canonical” way): To check if the type of o is exactly str (exclude subclasses): The following also works, and can be useful in some cases: See Built-in Functions in the Python Library Reference for relevant information. One more note: in this case, if you’re using Python 2, you … Read more

Double precision floating values in Python?

Decimal datatype Unlike hardware based binary floating point, the decimal module has a user alterable precision (defaulting to 28 places) which can be as large as needed for a given problem. If you are pressed by performance issuses, have a look at GMPY

Double precision floating values in Python?

Decimal datatype Unlike hardware based binary floating point, the decimal module has a user alterable precision (defaulting to 28 places) which can be as large as needed for a given problem. If you are pressed by performance issuses, have a look at GMPY

Which is the difference between Long.valueOf(0) and 0L in Java?

Nothing. will undergo autoboxing. The compiler replaces it with: You can see this if you decompile your class, e.g. using javap. Decompiles to: So how it is better initialize a variable, considering memory consumption and time complexity? Because they are semantically identical, the memory consumption and time complexity is also identical. Instead, focus on what is actually … Read more