How to add .gif Animation in unity Scene ? Does Unity support Animated GIFS?

Unity not support Gif. You have 2 options: Split animation and use Animator: there you have a nice howto Save individual frames and make an array of textures.var frames : Texture[]; var framesPerSecond = 10;function Update() { var index : int = (Time.time * framesPerSecond) % frames.Length; renderer.material.mainTexture = frames[index]; }

Unity3D. Trying to send command for object without authority

Beside your code fragment, the warning Trying to send command for object without authority. Means that: you are sending command from an object whose authority, your (player) don’t have. What Unity docs states: Commands are sent from player objects on the client to player objects on the server. For security, Commands can only be sent … Read more

Error when Building Project: Error building Player because scripts have compile errors in the editor

You cannot build any your script that contains using UnityEditor; or class/API from the UnityEditor namespace. This is why you should put any script that contains any of these in a folder called Editor. When Unity is building your project, it ignores any script placed in this folder since it considers them as an Editor … Read more

Unity Collaborate vs GitHub

Unity Collaborate is useful for merging scenes and has little to no learning curve. However, when I tried to use it a few months ago I found that its features are severely limited. It’s built to be as simple as possible to use however this is also its main flaw, as there are no settings … Read more

How to add a delay in a C# unity script

I have these lines of code in an update function in a C# Unity script: I have tried Thread.Sleep(milliseconds) and Waitforseconds(). But I have had no luck in making them work. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could show me a solution to this problem. Thanks, Isaac