Unable to build In unity : “UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException:”

The project runs just fine but I am unable to build it using build settings. Here’s the error message: UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException: 3 errors at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+DefaultBuildMethods.BuildPlayer (UnityEditor.BuildPlayerOptions options) [0x002bb] in <2f1c602eae0d45c293fff3e3aef759fa>:0 at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.CallBuildMethods (System.Boolean askForBuildLocation, UnityEditor.BuildOptions defaultBuildOptions) [0x00080] in <2f1c602eae0d45c293fff3e3aef759fa>:0 UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

How to change canvas position in Unity?

See the bit in your canvas inspector about it being “screen space – overlay”? That means: “This render mode places UI elements on the screen rendered on top of the scene. “ And what THAT means, is that you don’t have to worry about where the Canvas and child Text show up in your scene … Read more

Rotate object in Unity 3D

You can use transform.rotation like this: OR You can use transform.Rotate like this: Documentation for Quaternion Documentation for transform.rotation Example for Rotating screen with accelerometer input: If you want to rotate the object to a specific angle use: This will rotate 90 degrees around the x axis.

How to pass data (and references) between scenes in Unity

There are many ways to do this but the solution to this depends on the type of data you want to pass between scenes. Components/Scripts and GameObjects are destroyed when new scene is loaded and even when marked as static. In this answer you can find Use the static keyword 1. Use the static keyword. Use this method if the … Read more

What is a good naming convention for Unity?

The Unity convention is actually rather simple: everything is Pascal-cased, types (classes, structs, enums) and methods start with upper-case, fields and properties with lower-case. Enum values in upper-case, constants in lower-case (usually). So ClassName, MethodName, myField, myProperty { get; set; }, MyEnum.CaseA… that’s it. As for your example, Transform is a class, whereas transform is an accessor to the instance of Transform in that particular GameObject/Component. … Read more

How to change canvas’ size in unity3d

So may be my question should be how to change the screen size showed in editor? To change the screen size, go to the Game window (accessed by the menu “Window->General->Game”). At the top of the window will be a screen size menu (outlined in green, below) to change the screen size. When pressed, it … Read more

Developing Unity game on Windows for iOS devices

I have made several Unity3D projects for iOS using a Windows. When installing Unity, don’t forget to check “iOS deployment” and your Unity (on Windows) will be able to build an Xcode project. Then, just transfer this Xcode project on a Mac with Xcode installed and you will be able to compile the project in … Read more