Unity Animation Plays In Preview But Not When Playing Game
I finally solved the problem. It turns out that all I needed to do was turn off “Apply Root Motion” on my Animator for it to work properly.
I finally solved the problem. It turns out that all I needed to do was turn off “Apply Root Motion” on my Animator for it to work properly.
I’m not sure If I understand what you are trying to do. If you are trying to do something similar to the game “Dead Nation”, then I would suggest something like this: MouseLook.cs If you want the camera to move and rotate along with the player then just make the camera a child of the … Read more
Unity apparently can’t handle apostrophes (single-quote ‘) in the directory name of the editor. You need to get rid of the apostrophe in your directory name. Once you make that change, Unity should be able to build the scripts as intended. Edit: This has been fixed in more recent versions – see https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/scripts-do-not-get-compiled-if-the-unity-editor-path-contains-apostrophes for reference
I think its because of kinematic A kinematic Rigidbody2D will only collide with a dynamic Rigidbody2D body type. The exception to this is if Rigidbody2D.useFullKinematicContacts is set to true in which case it will collide with all other Rigidbody2D body types. Try setting Body Type to Dynamic and see if OnCollisionEnter executes. OR Add a dynamic Rigidbody2D to the other collider
Usually for jumping people use Rigidbody2D.AddForce with Forcemode.Impulse. It may seem like your object is pushed once in Y axis and it will fall down automatically due to gravity. Example:
Please don’t use Find for this! It is extremely expensive! And unreliable! This function only returns active GameObjects. If no GameObject with name can be found, null is returned. Especially since it looks like you want to use this for prefabs that only exist in the Assets and not in the Scene this will always return null as it only finds objects from the … Read more
You don’t need those if statements. Just use += to append the input to the current transform position. Move without Rigidbody: Move Object with Rigidbody2D: I suggest using the second code and moving the Rigidbody if you want to be able to detect collison later on. Note: You must assign the object to move to the obj slot in the Editor. If using … Read more
Your EventSystem GameObject is missing the Standalone Input Module Script component. Select your EventSystem->Add Component ->Standalone Input Module. Done! The gif below decsribes two ways to do that.
You must ask the scene manager to load the scene using LoadScene You were just retrieving the build index of the current scene. Also, about yourcompilling error, you have forgotten the semi-colon at the end of the line 😉
Usually Awake() is used to initialize if certain values or script are dependent on each other and would cause errors if one of them is initialized too late (awake runs before the game starts). Awake is also called only once for every script instance. Let me quote the Documentation: […] Awake is called after all objects are … Read more