Why is Verilog not considered a programming language?
Verilog is a hardware definition language. Programming languages are generally understood to be languages for telling existing hardware what to do, not for reconfiguring said hardware.
Verilog is a hardware definition language. Programming languages are generally understood to be languages for telling existing hardware what to do, not for reconfiguring said hardware.
Verilog treats all bare numeric literals as decimal. A and D are not legal decimal values. For hexadecimal literals, you need to specify the literal type using ‘h: Refer to the IEEE Std (1800-2009, for example), section “Numbers”. The following code compiles for me without errors on 2 different simulators (Incisive and VCS):
Try moving clk=0 above the forever loop. Instead of toggling the clock every #10 you’re resetting the clock to 0 every #10 units, and then toggling it instantly. I think that still might work in some cases, but it’s probably not what you intended to do.
Verilog thinks in bits, so reg [7:0] a[0:3] will give you a 4×8 bit array (=4×1 byte array). You get the first byte out of this with a[0]. The third bit of the 2nd byte is a[1][2]. For a 2D array of bytes, first check your simulator/compiler. Older versions (pre ’01, I believe) won’t support … Read more
I’ll be nice and summarize the LRM (Language Reference Manual), but you should read it. Everything is in IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 21.2 Display system tasks (Technically SystemVerilog, but these functions are identical.) $display : print the immediate values § 21.2.1 The display and write tasks $strobe : print the values at the end of … Read more
Wire:- Wires are used for connecting different elements. They can be treated as physical wires. They can be read or assigned. No values get stored in them. They need to be driven by either continuous assign statement or from a port of a module. Reg:- Contrary to their name, regs don’t necessarily correspond to physical … Read more
Generally, the idea behind the localparam (added to the Verilog-2001 standard) is to protect value of localparam from accidental or incorrect redefinition by an end-user (unlike a parameter value, this value can’t be modified by parameter redefinition or by a defparam statement). Based on IEEE 1364-2005 (ch. 4.10.2): Verilog HDL local parameters are identical to … Read more
I am somewhat new to verilog, I tried running this code but it gives me an error: I think it complains about in[7:i+1] but i don’t understand why ? Can someone please advise.. EDIT ok so I am reluctant to using the X due to their numerous problems.. I was thinking of modifying the code … Read more
There are a couple of ways of doing this. One way could be to build a 4-input XOR module, and then instantiate multiple copies. Another way would be to use a for-loop. This won’t work with all the cases, since you don’t have an evenly-divisible number of wires. There are some other tricks (like 0-padding … Read more
You nearly got it… You’re also missing a clock edge for the ’40’ test. Try this, & let me know how you get on…