“Welcome to WordPress” Plugin Required Error

I found a file called install.php at /wp-content/ directory which contained the line causing the issue: defined( ‘WTWP__INSTALL_PLUGIN_PATH’ ) or define( ‘WTWP__INSTALL_PLUGIN_PATH’, ‘welcome-to-wordpress/welcome-to-wordpress.php’ ); Upon deleting the file, I was able to resolve the issue. This is most probably a file that was placed by a hosting provider by default long with a plugin that … Read more

Email Exists ERROR into Ajax registration form

Why are you making work hard for yourself? wp_create_user already checks if the email/login exists, which is also why your code is “failing” – $user_id will already be a WP_Error, so your elseif ( is_wp_error( $newerrors ) ) never fires. All you need is: $user_id = wp_create_user( $sanitized_user_login, $user_pass, $user_email, $capa ); if ( is_wp_error( … Read more