You are essentially trying to create a “fake” page without having to create a physical page in the WordPress database and for that, you will need custom re-write rules.
For more details see my answer here: Setting a custom sub-path for blog without using pages?
Quick overview:
step 1: setup your custom rewrite rules
add_action('init', 'fake_page_rewrite');
function fake_page_rewrite(){
global $wp_rewrite;
//set up our query variable %test% which equates to index.php?test=
add_rewrite_tag( '%test%', '([^&]+)');
//add rewrite rule that matches /test
//add endpoint, in this case 'test' to satisfy our rewrite rule /test
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'test', EP_PERMALINK | EP_PAGES );
//flush rules to get this to work properly (do this once, then comment out)
Step 2: properly include a template file on matching your query variable,
add_action('template_redirect', 'fake_page_redirect');
function fake_page_redirect(){
global $wp;
//retrieve the query vars and store as variable $template
$template = $wp->query_vars;
//pass the $template variable into the conditional statement and
//check if the key 'test' is one of the query_vars held in the $template array
//and that 'test' is equal to the value of the key which is set
if ( array_key_exists( 'test', $template ) && 'test' == $template['test'] ) {
//if the key 'test' exists and 'test' matches the value of that key
//then return the template specified below to handle presentation
include( get_template_directory().'/your-template-name-here.php' );