Temporary download page or restrict static download page based on how the user got to the page?

For your first question “Detect where they are coming from”, Just check the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] for your expected web address.

For the second “Create a short lived page”, your answer lies in the set_transient() method. You can do something like:

function create_page() {
    if ( get_current_user_id() )
        return "<html>...</html>";
    return false;
function get_page( $unique_id ) {
    // Get an earlier created page if it's still alive
    $page = get_transient( $unique_id );
    if ( !$page ) {
        // Try creating a new page
        $page = create_page();
        if ( !$page )
            return false;
        // Cache the page and allow it to live for 1 hour
        set_transient( $unique_id, $page, HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
    // Return the page
    return $page;

Please note the code sample will require modifying to your needs. Basically it creates a page or an inset for a page and saves it to the database with a lifetime of 1 hour. You could accompany this by adding the $unique_id to the users metadata. That way you can be sure only a single user can access the page within it’s lifetime.