AWS RDS connection limits

AWS RDS max_connections limit variable is based on Instance type, so you can upgrade your RDS or make more replica. The RDS types with max_connections limit: t2.micro 66 t2.small 150 m3.medium 296 t2.medium 312 m3.large 609 t2.large 648 m4.large 648 m3.xlarge 1237 r3.large 1258 m4.xlarge 1320 m2.xlarge 1412 m3.2xlarge 2492 r3.xlarge 2540 Referring by max_connections … Read more

How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?

The AWS CLI now supports the –query parameter which takes a JMESPath expressions. This means you can sum the size values given by list-objects using sum(Contents[].Size) and count like length(Contents[]). This can be be run using the official AWS CLI as below and was introduced in Feb 2014 aws s3api list-objects –bucket BUCKETNAME –output json … Read more

403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied

Check your CloudFront configuration. This will occur because of below reasons: The request is initiated over HTTP, but the CloudFront distribution is configured to only allow HTTPS requests. The requested alternate domain name (CNAME) isn’t associated with the CloudFront distribution. You can refer this link also to resolve your issue:

What is the difference between Elastic Beanstalk and CloudFormation for a .NET project?

They’re actually pretty different. Elastic Beanstalk is intended to make developers’ lives easier. CloudFormation is intended to make systems engineers’ lives easier. Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS-like layer on top of AWS’s IaaS services which abstracts away the underlying EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancers, auto-scaling groups, etc. This makes it a lot easier for developers, … Read more

What is the difference between Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS?

SNS is a distributed publish-subscribe system. Messages are pushed to subscribers as and when they are sent by publishers to SNS. SQS is distributed queuing system. Messages are not pushed to receivers. Receivers have to poll or pull messages from SQS. Messages can’t be received by multiple receivers at the same time. Any one receiver can receive a message, process and delete it. Other receivers do not receive … Read more