What is difference between Lightsail and EC2?

Testing¹ reveals that Lightsail instances in fact are EC2 instances, from the t2 class of burstable instances. EC2, of course, has many more instance families and classes other than the t2, almost all of which are more “powerful” (or better equipped for certain tasks) than these, but also much more expensive. But for meaningful comparisons, the 512 MiB … Read more

AWS Lambda:The provided execution role does not have permissions to call DescribeNetworkInterfaces on EC2

This error is common if you try to deploy a Lambda in a VPC without giving it the required network interface related permissions ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces, ec2:CreateNetworkInterface, and ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface (see AWS Forum). For example, this a policy that allows to deploy a Lambda into a VPC: