AWS RDS connection limits

AWS RDS max_connections limit variable is based on Instance type, so you can upgrade your RDS or make more replica. The RDS types with max_connections limit: t2.micro 66 t2.small 150 m3.medium 296 t2.medium 312 m3.large 609 t2.large 648 m4.large 648 m3.xlarge 1237 r3.large 1258 m4.xlarge 1320 m2.xlarge 1412 m3.2xlarge 2492 r3.xlarge 2540 Referring by max_connections … Read more

Amazon Cloudfront with S3. Access Denied

If you’re accessing the root of your CloudFront distribution, you need to set a default root object: To specify a default root object using the CloudFront console: Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon CloudFront console at In the list of distributions in the top pane, select the distribution … Read more

How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?

The AWS CLI now supports the –query parameter which takes a JMESPath expressions. This means you can sum the size values given by list-objects using sum(Contents[].Size) and count like length(Contents[]). This can be be run using the official AWS CLI as below and was introduced in Feb 2014 aws s3api list-objects –bucket BUCKETNAME –output json … Read more

Amazon Workspaces VM prevented from logging in to WordPress on DreamHost

I have several WordPress websites being hosted on DreamHost. I decided to set up an Amazon WorkSpaces VM to do my WordPress development because my current computer is under-performing (I have a new one on the way). However, I can’t log in to any WordPress dashboard from the Amazon Workspaces VM. I also tried logging … Read more

SQS vs RabbitMQ

For a start, Amazon SQS is a pseudo-queue which means the delivery of every message(if it reaches the queue) is guaranteed but not in a FIFO fashion which usually happens in a queue. If the order of messages is important to you and you want the queue to work in a FIFO fashion, the Amazon … Read more