What’s the difference between concat and uglify and minify?

Concatenation is just appending all of the static files into one large file. Minification is just removing unnecesary whitespace and redundant / optional tokens like curlys and semicolons, and can be reversed by using a linter. Uglification is the act of transforming the code into an “unreadable” form, that is, renaming variables/functions to hide the … Read more

Android TextView : “Do not concatenate text displayed with setText”

Resource has the get overloaded version of getString which takes a varargs of type Object: getString(int, java.lang.Object…). If you setup correctly your string in strings.xml, with the correct place holders, you can use this version to retrieve the formatted version of your final String. E.g. using getString(R.string.welcome_message, “Test”, 0); android will return a String with … Read more