Error of ‘P404 Migration skipped. Already completed.’ on error_log file
Same problem here.I may have identified the cause of the error. Are you using the “All 404 Redirect to Homepage” plugin ?
Same problem here.I may have identified the cause of the error. Are you using the “All 404 Redirect to Homepage” plugin ?
As discussed in comments, the problem was a missing prce2 package which meant preg_match(), used by $wpdb->db_version() to parse the MySQL version number out of SELECT VERSION(), didn’t work. Solved by sudo yum install pcre2
Short answer is: Not in particular. Long answer is: there’s a lot of potential affects. Rendering: Next.js allows you to ship rendered html through static and SSR. This is important for performance generally and a best practice for SEO. Many search engines now render JS as part of crawling but its a mixed bag. So … Read more
You need to provide a higher priority number than the default when removing hooks. If you leave it default there’s a chance that your remove_action is executed prior to the add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘wp_old_slug_redirect’ ) So, instead: remove_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘wp_old_slug_redirect’, 20 ); You also need to prevent WP from saving the old slugs which can be … Read more
If you provided full code, issue is probably in this line: $wpdb->prepare(“INSERT INTO ‘myprefix_posts_views’ (postid, ip, device) VALUES (%d, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE create_at=VALUES(create_at)”, $postID, $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’], $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]); Because into column postid you are trying to put variable $postID, when you didn’t declare it anywhere. This column is NOT NULL, so probably you have … Read more
WordPress User Login not accepted although listed in DB
First of all, you should check the DB Configuration at wp-config.php, is the name and the db user+pw correct? Does the DB User have all the necessary permissions to the DB? Is the DB Server running at all? You find more info how wp config should like over here:
How to CRUD remotely hosted WP database without root?
There’s only one naming convention to remember, the WP table prefix. If you don’t want to use it you can do whatever you want. WordPress only cares about its own tables, you can create any other tables you want. Keep in mind though that the WordPress table prefix isn’t always wp_, and it changes for … Read more
For this I suggest you to use Search and Replace plugin which has Dry Run option under Tools > Search & Replace > Search & Replace, here we need to check the Dry Run checkbox. In Dry Run we can find in which table we have that searched text so from that you can find … Read more