http to https stuck in infinite loop

backup the htaccess file and delete it.. clear the browser cache.. go to your database yourprefix_options table change the siteurl and home with i am assuming you are running wordpress on the subdirectory called blog if not the case change the url to and open the wp admin with https link go to … Read more

wordpress website crash on https

This is likely caused by insecure content. WordPress is serving resources (images, stylesheets or scripts) over http instead of https. To resolve this try the following plugins: Basic SSL setup for WordPress: This one will find any internal link/resource request over http and change to https.

HTTPS for every page except for feeds

Just an idea. I use rewrite rules to serve my WP blogs over TLS/SSL only. In wordpress I set the url to https:// as well. Might be worth a try to set the blog url to http// and create a rewrite rule (apache/nginx) to use https except the url contains /feed. Not tested.

i can’t enter to control panel of my WordPress site

EASIEST METHOD: Under the error on the page your getting click i understand the risks and continue on to your site. NEXT EASIEST METHOD: Add this to your wp-config.php: define(‘WP_HOME’,’’); define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’’); (replace example with your url) NEXT METHOD: Go into your myphp admin open your database and go to the options table. In there look … Read more

Navigation Bar displays vertically on Mozilla

The problem is, browsers are blocking assets due to mixed content issues. while the user is visiting the site using SSL (https), much of the content, for example, some stylesheets, are being requested as non-ssl links (http). Check out your console in chrome dev tools for a listing of these issues. Basically, you’ll want to … Read more