Difference between the == and %in% operators in R

%in% is value matching and “returns a vector of the positions of (first) matches of its first argument in its second” (See help(‘%in%’)) This means you could compare vectors of different lengths to see if elements of one vector match at least one element in another. The length of output will be equal to the length of the vector … Read more

proper name for python * operator?

In Ruby and Perl 6 this has been called “splat”, and I think most people from those communities will figure out what you mean if you call it that. The Python tutorial uses the phrase “unpacking argument lists”, which is long and descriptive. It is also referred to as iterable unpacking, or in the case of **, dictionary unpacking.

What does the question mark character (‘?’) mean in C++?

This is commonly referred to as the conditional operator, and when used like this: … if the condition evaluates to true, the expression evaluates to result_if_true, otherwise it evaluates to result_if_false. It is syntactic sugar, and in this case, it can be replaced with Note: Some people refer to ?: it as “the ternary operator“, because it is the only ternary operator (i.e. operator that … Read more

assignment operator overloading in c++

There are no problems with the second version of the assignment operator. In fact, that is the standard way for an assignment operator. Edit: Note that I am referring to the return type of the assignment operator, not to the implementation itself. As has been pointed out in comments, the implementation itself is another issue. … Read more

^=, -= and += symbols in Python

As almost any modern language, python has Assignment Operators so they can use them every time you want to assign a value to a variable after doing some arithmetic or logical operation, both (assignment and operation)are expressed compact way in one statement….

What does the “+=” operator do in Java?

The “common knowledge” of programming is that x += y is an equivalent shorthand notation of x = x + y. As long as x and y are of the same type (for example, both are ints), you may consider the two statements equivalent. However, in Java, x += y is not identical to x … Read more

What are XAND and XOR

XOR is short for exclusive or. It is a logical, binary operator that requires that one of the two operands be true but not both. So these statements are true: And these statements are false: There really isn’t such a thing as an”exclusive and” (or XAND) since in theory it would have the same exact … Read more