Meaning of *& and **& in C++

That is taking the parameter by reference. So in the first case you are taking a pointer parameter by reference so whatever modification you do to the value of the pointer is reflected outside the function. Second is the simlilar to first one with the only difference being that it is a double pointer. See … Read more

What does the Ruby method ‘to_sym’ do?

to_sym converts a string to a symbol. For example, “a”.to_sym becomes :a. It’s not specific to Rails; vanilla Ruby has it as well. It looks like in some versions of Ruby, a symbol could be converted to and from a Fixnum as well. But irb from Ruby 1.9.2-p0, from, doesn’t allow that unless you add your own to_sym method to Fixnum. I’m … Read more

Reference — What does this symbol mean in PHP?

Incrementing / Decrementing Operators ++ increment operator — decrement operator These can go before or after the variable. If put before the variable, the increment/decrement operation is done to the variable first then the result is returned. If put after the variable, the variable is first returned, then the increment/decrement operation is done. For example: Live example In the case above ++$i is … Read more

in java what does the @ symbol mean?

The @ symbol denotes a Java Annotation. What a Java annotation does, is that it adds a special attribute to the variable, method, class, interface, or other language elements. (This can be configured when you declare the annotation) When you add an annotation to something, other parts of the program can check whether something has an annotation … Read more

Reference — What does this symbol mean in PHP?

Incrementing / Decrementing Operators ++ increment operator — decrement operator These can go before or after the variable. If put before the variable, the increment/decrement operation is done to the variable first then the result is returned. If put after the variable, the variable is first returned, then the increment/decrement operation is done. For example: Live example In the case above ++$i is … Read more

Undefined Symbols for architecture x86_64: Compiling problems

There’s no mystery here, the linker is telling you that you haven’t defined the missing symbols, and you haven’t. Similarity::Similarity() or Similarity::~Similarity() are just missing and you have defined the others incorrectly, not etc. etc. The second one is a function called readData, only the first is the readData method of the Similarity class. To be clear about … Read more

^=, -= and += symbols in Python

As almost any modern language, python has Assignment Operators so they can use them every time you want to assign a value to a variable after doing some arithmetic or logical operation, both (assignment and operation)are expressed compact way in one statement….