How to clear input buffer in C?

The program will not work properly because at Line 1, when the user presses Enter, it will leave in the input buffer 2 character: Enter key (ASCII code 13) and \n (ASCII code 10). Therefore, at Line 2, it will read the \n and will not wait for the user to enter a character. The … Read more

getline() vs. fgets(): Control memory allocation

My question is: Isn’t that dangerous? What if by accident or malicious intent someone creates a 100GB file with no ‘\n’ byte in it – won’t that make my getline() call allocate an insane amount of memory? Yes, what you describe is a plausible risk. However, if the program requires loading an entire line into … Read more

The difference between char * and char[] [duplicate]

The most straightforward answer is: The difference here is that will place Hello world in the read-only parts of the memory and making s a pointer to that, making any writing operation on this memory illegal. While doing: puts the literal string in read-only memory and copies the string to newly allocated memory on the … Read more

Dereference void pointer

printf(“\nlVptr[60 ] is %d \n”, *(int*)lVptr); This will cast the void pointer to a pointer to an int and then dereference it correctly. If you want to treat it as an array (of one), you could do a slightly ugly ((int *)lVptr)[0]. Using [1] is out of bounds, and therefore not a good idea (as … Read more

How to read from input until newline is found using scanf()?

scanf (and cousins) have one slightly strange characteristic: white space in (most placed in) the format string matches an arbitrary amount of white space in the input. As it happens, at least in the default “C” locale, a new-line is classified as white space. This means the trailing ‘\n’ is trying to match not only … Read more

error: ISO C forbids nested functions – What’s wrong?

You missed a closing braces for for loop in the function arraycpy So, the next braces is being taken as the braces for the for loop, and thus when you define the next function, it is being defined inside the next function arraycpy

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What are “prototypes” in a C program?

The book’s I’m using to learn C explains something called “prototypes” which I couldn’t understand properly. In the book, the following sample code explains these “prototypes”. What does this mean here? What are the “prototypes”? Please explain in simple terms.