Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash? No. Bash doesn’t have as many luxuries as one can find in many programming languages. There is no try/catch in bash; however, one can achieve similar behavior using && or ||. Using ||: if command1 fails then command2 runs as follows Similarly, using &&, command2 will run if command1 is successful The closest approximation of try/catch is as follows Also bash contains some error … Read more

What is the $? (dollar question mark) variable in shell scripting?

$? is used to find the return value of the last executed command. Try the following in the shell: If somefile exists (regardless whether it is a file or directory), you will get the return value thrown by the ls command, which should be 0 (default “success” return value). If it doesn’t exist, you should get a number other then 0. The … Read more

How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

In addition to backticks `command`, command substitution can be done with $(command) or “$(command)”, which I find easier to read, and allows for nesting. Quoting (“) does matter to preserve multi-line variable values; it is optional on the right-hand side of an assignment, as word splitting is not performed, so OUTPUT=$(ls -1) would work fine.

Open and write data to text file using Bash?

The short answer: However, echo doesn’t deal with end of line characters (EOFs) in an ideal way. So, if you’re gonna append more than one line, do it with printf: The >> and > operators are very useful for redirecting output of commands, they work with multiple other bash commands.