Running shell command and capturing the output

In all officially maintained versions of Python, the simplest approach is to use the subprocess.check_output function: check_output runs a single program that takes only arguments as input.1 It returns the result exactly as printed to stdout. If you need to write input to stdin, skip ahead to the run or Popen sections. If you want … Read more

Python Subprocess: Too Many Open Files

I guess the problem was due to the fact that I was processing an open file with subprocess: Here the cmd variable contain the name of a file that has just been created but not closed. Then the subprocess.Popen calls a system command on that file. After doing this for many times, the program crashed … Read more

What can lead to “IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor” during os.system()?

You get this error message if a Python file was closed from “the outside”, i.e. not from the file object’s close() method: The line del f deletes the last reference to the file object, causing its destructor file.__del__ to be called. The internal state of the file object indicates the file is still open since f.close() was never called, so the destructor tries … Read more

takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

It is because you are providing it a positional argument here: command want’s a callback function. and you are passing it the response from the adb method. (see here fore more: when that line is being called, self.adb(“devices”) is being called. if you look at your definition of adb You are only asking for 1 positional argument self and any number of … Read more

OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error

I am having hard time parsing the arguments to subprocess.Popen. I am trying to execute a script on my Unix server. The script syntax when running on shell prompt is as follows: /usr/local/bin/script hostname = <hostname> -p LONGLIST. No matter how I try, the script is not running inside subprocess.Popen The space before and after “=” … Read more