WordPress Users API throwing 403 Forbidden error
WordPress Users API throwing 403 Forbidden error
WordPress Users API throwing 403 Forbidden error
How to access WP header from Appearance > Header using WP Rest api (React)
The documentation for the posts endpoint does not indicate that meta_key or meta_value are accepted parameters. You will likely have most success by defining your own endpoint to accept those parameters. This question may be helpful: REST API and filtering by meta value
I managed to fix it, there was a wp_query included in the search-route.php file. Adding ‘posts_per_page’ => 30, to the query there I guess sent the data through, allowing for the per_page condition to work. Thanks for looking anyhow!
Categories & Tags created with the REST API returning 404 when viewed
WooCommerce REST API Error “Security Violated”
Delay Issue: Using Wget with JSON Endpoint – Need Help Understanding Headers
Accessing an auth protected custom WP API enpoint from remote origin
Transmit headers and footers via API from one site to another
How can I make wp-json authentication work over https for development only?