How to improve WordPress website SEO and traffic, and or fix SEO issues

Improving the SEO of a WordPress website and increasing traffic to the site can be achieved through a variety of methods, including: Optimizing content: Create high-quality, unique, and relevant content that includes keywords and meta descriptions. Use of Keyword-rich permalinks: Make sure that your permalinks are keyword-rich, rather than using the default number-based permalinks. Optimize … Read more

Post title not output correctly

From the WordPress SEO FAQ: … either enable “Force rewrite titles” on the SEO -> Titles settings page, or go into your header.php and change the title element to just this: <title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title> Did you try that?

Google Tag Manage – to use or not to use

I don’t see any reason to change if all is working fine as it is, and you don’t need to add anything new supported by tag manger. I use my own plugin to integrate analytics and few other things, and I don’t plan to waste time doing exactly the same thing using different tools, and … Read more