wordpress is auto using http: not https: as it needs to because the server is http behind a reverse proxy https, how do I stop it?

I have a fix, I am not happy with it but it works: I added define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); to wp-config.php Then I changed this method is_ssl() in /wp-includes/load.php to this. I think to avoid this bug, the define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); check should have be used by the developers. I added the line if( defined( FORCE_SSL_ADMIN ) ) … Read more

Changing my URL in General Settings cause the site to crash

The first domain listed in your question has the wp-admin slug, the 2nd doesn’t. You shouldn’t be making that change. Hopefully it was just a typo, however if that’s what you’re actually doing that is likely your problem. Also, you should be changing all instances of the old domain to the new domain WITH … Read more

Issue when site move from ssl domain to new domain without ssl

Disable the SSL plugin. Then check the htaccess file, removing any rewrites for SSL. You may also need to use a search/replace plugin (I like “Better Search and Replace”) to change all instances of https://www.yourdomain.com to http://www.yourdomain.com . Be aware that there will be implications of not having SSL; most current browsers will show a … Read more

Moving WordPress from http to https over existing site

Some of the things I have to double-check when I install an SSL certificate on a WordPress website are: Define SSL settings in wp-config.php to override WordPress database settings /** SSL Security */ define(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, true); // Secure user registration/login forms after installing valid SSL define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, FORCE_SSL_LOGIN); // Secure WordPress admin dashboard /** Site Domain */ … Read more

How to force static assets with HTTP sources to load over HTTPS?

If assets are enqueued properly they are using the exact URL they are enqueued with. If the protocol in URL is hardcoded that causes mismatch issues you are seeing. For proper protocol support enqueued URLs need to be either: created with protocol-aware API function from WP API (most if not all functions that produce URLs … Read more

iHow to redirect all http traffic to https now that a SSL certificate is added?

You can replace your URLs in PHPMyAdmin instead – make sure you have backed up your database though. You’d need to change this code and run it: UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, ‘http://www.old-url.co.uk’,’https://www.new-url.co.uk’); UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, ‘http://www.old-url.co.uk’, ‘https://www.new-url.co.uk’); You might be able to bypass this step if you have a secure … Read more

Adding SSL certificate to the front end of my site

I use https://wordpress.org/plugins/force-ssl/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/http-https-remover/ This ensures that if I go to an http page I get redirected to https and that everything like images is requested over HTTPS.

SSL/HTTPS Redirect Loop

If you have the “force ssl on checkout” enabled in woocommerce along with another plugin like ithemes security also forcing the ssl it could be causing your redirect loop.