iHow to redirect all http traffic to https now that a SSL certificate is added?

You can replace your URLs in PHPMyAdmin instead – make sure you have backed up your database though.

You’d need to change this code and run it:

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://www.old-url.co.uk','https://www.new-url.co.uk');

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://www.old-url.co.uk', 'https://www.new-url.co.uk');

You might be able to bypass this step if you have a secure content fixer plugin installed – some of these will force the SSL on all URLs and fix any paths to css files etc. iThemes security also has a force ssl feature but I dont think it corrects css/js files and external URLs.

Step 5 is simply going to Settings > General and changing the two URLs in there to have https.

Hope that helps 🙂