What do ++ and *+ mean?

++ From What is double plus in regular expressions? That’s a Possessive Quantifier. It basically means that if the regex engine fails matching later, it will not go back and try to undo the matches it made here. In most cases, it allows the engine to fail much faster, and can give you some control … Read more

How do I make a redirect in PHP?

Summary of existing answers plus my own two cents: 1. Basic answer You can use the header() function to send a new HTTP header, but this must be sent to the browser before any HTML or text (so before the <!DOCTYPE …> declaration, for example). 2. Important details die() or exit() Why you should use die() or exit(): The Daily WTF Absolute or relative URL … Read more

Calculate business days

Here’s a function from the user com ments on the date() function page in the PHP manual. It’s an improvement of an earlier function in the comments that adds support for leap years. Enter the starting and ending dates, along with an array of any holidays that might be in between, and it returns the … Read more

Adding WordPress Header and Footer to a PHP Script

If you want to add WordPress Header & Footer in a PHP script flow those stapes: Step-1: Upload Your PHP project in the WordPress root folder. Step-2: Added this code on the PHP script header: Well Done! Now you can use all wp functions in your PHP project, like wp_head(), wp_footer(), get_header(), get_footer(), and more.

How to set 777 permission on a particular folder?

777 is a permission in Unix based system with full read/write/execute permission to owner, group and everyone.. in general we give this permission to assets which are not much needed to be hidden from public on a web server, for example images.. You said I am using windows 7. if that means that your web server is Windows … Read more

Categories PHP

Save Array in MySQL Database

You can store the array using serialize/unserialize. With that solution they cannot easily be used from other programming languages, so you may consider using json_encode/json_decode instead (which gives you a widely supported format). Avoid using implode/explode for this since you’ll probably end up with bugs or security flaws. To convert an array (or any object) into a string using PHP, call the … Read more

Categories PHP