Trim first 2 words of the exceprt

A more reliable way would be to filter the excerpt and to explode the string into an array, remove the first two key/value pairs from the array and then return your string

add_filter( 'wp_trim_excerpt', function ( $text )
    // Make sure we have a text
    if ( !$text )
        return $text;

    $text               = ltrim( $text );
    $text_as_array      = explode( ' ', $text );

    // Make sure we have at least X amount of words as an array
    if ( 10 > count( $text_as_array ) )
        return $text;

    $text_array_to_keep = array_slice( $text_as_array, 2 );
    $text_as_string     = implode( ' ', $text_array_to_keep );
    $text               = $text_as_string;

    return $text;
