change the default order of posts only for specific categories

Problem 1

$foo = is_category( ... );

Is the same as:

global $wp_query; // the main query
$foo = $wp_query->is_category(....);

So when filtering the query, don’t check the main query, check the query you’re filtering instead:

$query->is_main_query() && $query->is_category( ....

Problem 2

Look at this:


You might think this is a list of 8 things, but no. It’s a list of 1 thing:


That array contains a single item, a string with a comma separated list in it. Because there is no category with a single ID that is equal to "573,1060,1061,1062,1063,1065,1066,1064" it is never true.

This is incorrect, and does not match any of the docs, and is not how arrays normally work in PHP. There should not be quotes wrapping all the values into a single string.

Instead of:

[ "1,2,3,4,5" ]

It should be:

[ 1,2,3,4,5 ]

Notice the syntax highlighting recognises each number as separate, but paints the entire string in green. I’d strongly suggest using a code editor to edit code that has syntax highlighting and auto-indenting. Programs such as VS Code or Sublime Text will do this for free as well as other things.