There’s no built-in functionality to append meta values you’ll need to do it manually. If you plan on adding multiple values I would suggest saving it as an array but it will serialize it in the database which will make it harder to run WP_Meta_Query on.
$user_id = fav_authors_get_user_id();
$fav_author_id = 2;
$author_list = get_user_meta( $user_id, FAV_AUTHORS_META_KEY, true );
if( empty( $author_list ) ) { // There was no meta_value, set an array.
update_user_meta( $user_id, FAV_AUTHORS_META_KEY, array( $fav_author_id ) );
} else {
$author_arr = ( is_array( $author_list ) ) ? $author_list : array( $author_list ); // Added in case current value is not an array already.
$author_arr[] = $fav_author_id;
update_user_meta( $user_id, FAV_AUTHORS_META_KEY, $author_arr );
I’m assuming what you have in place currently is not an array so I add an inline-conditional inside the else statement to convert any single values to an array. Note that you must pass true
to get_user_meta()
so that it unserializes our array.