AJAX/jQuery is not limited to any specific “area” like plugins or widgets, in fact some plugins consist solely of widgets (although afaik the converse cannot be said). This Smashing article might be a good primer. When you finish with that then check out Gary Cao’s WordPress + AJAX tips and come back with a more specific question.
Related Posts:
- AJAX Contact Form Issue
- wordpress widget missing jquery
- Enabling jquery when dragging available widget to sidebar area
- WordPress 4.8: Using multiple WYSIWYG-Editors with media inside of Widgets how to?
- How do I rebind event after widget save
- How to listen to color changes on the color picker?
- Ban certain widgets from certain sidebars
- Widget “Save” resetting jQuery hidden fields
- jQuery does not work in widget backend
- Using Ajax call in jQuery doesn’t work in widget
- Trigger Submit Event when Widget is added to Sidebar
- Elegantly using JavaScript on widget admin forms
- How to enable “shift-click to edit this widget” functionality on a custom widget?
- Using jQuery in widget development
- Ajaxing function in widget class
- How to get sidebar’s content inside admin-ajax?
- cannot drag and drop widgets since wordpress 3.2.1
- How can I use AJAX to save/update a widget form?
- jQuery UI inside widget on admin page
- WP_enqueue_script() loads them always in wp_footer()?
- Ajax load more button in Recent posts widget
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- How can I inject options into an select tag inside the widget form?
- How do I pass the id of my widget to javascript in the form function?
- Access Customizer widget instance form
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- Issue understanding and using WordPress filters and actions
- Making jQuery .change() event persistent after widget save
- How to add Ajax to the default widget calendar to support next/previous months loading?
- Jquery checkbox -show posts with checked tags
- Reload widget with AJAX
- how to use get_field_name in external ajax handler
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- Multiple widgets in wordpress
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- Download a file by jQuery.Ajax
- jQuery’s .on() method combined with the submit event
- ajax stopped working when not logged in?
- How can I use the built in WordPress “browse link” functionality?
- Modifying the default search widget
- How do I save data from submitted form from widget
- jQuery and AJAX Not working with Select Form Element
- Disable default WordPress widgets in sidebar
- Adding classes to dynamic sidebar
- Looking for a better way to handle an ajax script that pulls in post data on click
- Need help adding additional controls to a custom widget
- How to add a class to a link in text editor
- WordPress widget new instance creates content duplicates
- Access/update database with jQuery
- Passing jQuery value using Ajax to a page template
- Check if widget is active
- Radio buttons in widget not saving
- Is there a restriction in WP on the use of jQuery load function?
- Can WordPress Read Its Own RSS Feed?
- Debug errors on sidebar
- Dynamic sidebar based on category
- ajax, right way to do it and make it works?
- Show widget differently depending on if it’s in the sidebar or footer
- Get posts after today (upcoming events)
- How to pass data from page to widget functions?
- Adding a rich text editor to a widget – specifically CKEditor
- Widget page is missing from menu and default widgets are not showing
- Registering a stylesheet inside my WordPress widget
- is_tax() not working in Widget Logic [closed]
- How to position custom dashboard widgets on side column
- Simplest ajax form not working when it should
- 403 error When i send ajax request on WordPress website
- Data not insert and update through ajax and jQuery in admin page?
- My jQuery Ajax form submit is still refreshing page?
- Change Woocommerce Product Categories Widget ‘Title’ based on Product Category
- Why isn’t my custom widget outputting any content?
- Make single widget area top level in 4.0 Customize Panel
- Sidebar widgets – dynamic CSS : problem with widget-title
- widget not displayed
- changing the style of sidebar
- Vimeo Feed gived dead link with RSS widget?
- WordPress cascading dropdown selection search based on Parent Page & Child Page
- jquery & ajax getting data from php in wordpress . admin-ajax.php returns 400
- Running JavaScript after using WooCommerce Filter Plugin
- jQuery AJAX url wit variable
- why the code html apear in this widget in footer
- Orderby post__in Not Working Correctly?
- A checkbox Option for description in Widget
- Load scripts into an AJAX div
- My widgets do not save
- Handling dozens of sidebars
- Submitting my form to the database and then redirecting to payment site
- Pass the updated value of aid from form using ajax
- How can I only show a widget prior to a specific date?
- How to show widget in frontend?
- Single Widget Multi Sidebar
- An issue with register_sidebar and the admin interface
- page url in shortcode
- iframe/embed vid in text widget loads outside container and moves around when scrolling the page?
- Widget on home page displays wrong time compared to same widget on inside pages
- Theme Widget Area Defaults