W3 Total Cache combines .css files. If you do not want this to happen, deactivate the option on the page wp-admin/admin.php?page=w3tc_minify
, section CSS enable
If this option is not available, try setting the minify
settings on the main page of W3 Total Cache to manual
This Caching Plugin is awesome – but you have to tweak the settings quite a bit, if you are new to it mostly through trial and error, to get to the best result.
Please be sure to check your page a few times after you finished your settings, and also check it in logged-out mode, I had a few problems with sites being processed right on their first call, but broken afterwards.
A really tricky thing is the javascript-combining and minifying – if you are not 100% sure what you are doing, it can make your site a mess. But if you do – hello PageSpeed 🙂
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