Array in C++ must have a size defined at compile-time.
If you want variable length array, use std::vector
In your case, I would use template for Matrix Size and have different implementation for different matrix size (unless I misunderstood your intentions).
template<int SIZE> struct Matrix { std::array<std::array<float, SIZE>,SIZE> m; std::array<float,SIZE>& operator[](int a) { if(a>=SIZE) { throw std::out_of_range("Out of range exception"); } return m[a]; } }; template<int SIZE> void calcMatrix(Matrix<SIZE>& matrixReturnAsArray ); template<> void calcMatrix<2>(Matrix<2>& matrixReturnAsArray ) { // Code for 2x2 Matrix std::cout << "<2>" << std::endl; std::cout << matrixReturnAsArray[1][1] << std::endl; } template<> void calcMatrix<3>(Matrix<3>& matrixReturnAsArray ) { // Code for 3x3 matrix std::cout << "<3>" << std::endl; std::cout << matrixReturnAsArray[2][2] << std::endl; } int main() { std::array<float,2> a={1,2}; Matrix<2> m2; m2.m = {a,a}; std::array<float,3> b={1,2,3}; Matrix<3> m3; m3.m = {b,b,b}; calcMatrix(m3); calcMatrix(m2); }
Since I did not defined the generic template, using any other value than 2 or 3 for size will result in an error at compile time.
Edit : Used reference to std::array instead of pointer after @Caleth’s suggestion
Edit 2: Added operator [] for easy access and exception for safety