Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain

If I am correct (I am not familiar with the plugin itself) it actualy means that you have/use more then one text-domain in your function(s) or theme template(s) as in (just an example):

_e( 'Your Ad here', 'my-text-domain' ) / _e( 'Your Ad here', 'your-text-domain' )

You should always use one text-domain for your functions (if they are in functions.php, and you should use another for your home-brew plugin (because your translation files (.po and .mo) are also in the plugin folder itself if done correctly).

They (a text-domain) can be used actualy everywhere (templates/functions/classes/plugins).
I assume that in your case it could be in one of your own created function(s)/plugin(s) or in your theme template file(s) which you added/edit?!

About the what the consequences are, the only one I can think of is, your text (which you want to translate) will not be found by the CodeStyling Localization plugin and so not be translated by you.

I hope this information is what you where looking for and helps you to solve your problem.

See Codex for Translatable strings
