What is happening here is that std::cin >> firstName;
only reads up to but not including the first whitespace character, which includes the newline (or '\n'
) when you press enter, so when it gets to getline(std::cin, articleTitle);
, '\n'
is still the next character in std::cin
, and getline()
returns immediately.
// cin = "Bloggs\nJoe\nMan of Steel, Woman of Kleenex\n" std::cin >> lastName; std::cin >> firstName; // firstName = "Joe", lastName = "Bloggs", cin = "\nMan of Steel, Woman of Kleenex\n" getline(std::cin, articleTitle); // articleTitle = "", cin = "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex\n"
Adding ‘std::cin >> std::ws
‘ (ws
meaning w
pace) before your calls to getline() fixes the problem:
std::cin >> firstName >> std::ws; getline(std::cin, articleTitle);
But it is easier to see where you missed it if you do it in the argument:
std::cin >> firstName; getline(std::cin >> std::ws, articleTitle);